Saturday, July 10, 2010

Day 2: Clown cereal

Posted by Logan

I began my day, as so many do, with tiny sugar-encrusted corn balls. After I added milk, the bowl looked like a New Orleans McDonald's ball pit after Hurricane Katrina.
The flavour was nowhere near as sweet as I had expected for a product that was 50% sugar. I ground my way through the bowl and was rewarded with a sugar headache.
This did not prevent me from having more while watching the rugby.
Yesterday I went to a tea and coffee store and picked up seven varities of tea I'd never had before. This, according to the handwritten description, is Ceylon Dynoolse. Or Dynamite. I'm no good at reading cursive.
I've had several cups today and it is good, if a little mild.
These Chinese treats were bought sight unseen from a place in Newmarket. Labelled only 'Haw Flakes', I was delighted to discover they were thin discs that tasted of strawberry.
Poppa Jacks are bags that I've seen all my life, but not once have I been tempted to buy them, partly because I had no idea what they looked or tasted like.

They're just like ETA Munchos, which are now called Stabs or something.

So that was disappointing.

Last night, besides the rock candy, I had some cherry cola, a Melting Moment biscuit, and a pack of Japanese chocolate things with pandas stamped on them that tasted considerably worse when zapped with an industrial laser.


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